1. Bugs 2. Tiny Garden 3. Practice (feat. Saba) 4. Let the Cards Fall 5. Send a Dove 6. Wreckage Room 7. Thermostat (feat. Peter Cottontale) 8. Out of the Doldrums 9. Wolfsheep 10. I Miss All My Exes 11. Backburner 12. Libra Intuition 13. Boomerang 14. Still 15. The Best Thing 16. Good News 17. Headfirst
1. Bugs 2. Tiny Garden 3. Practice (feat. Saba) 4. Let the Cards Fall 5. Send a Dove 6. Wreckage Room 7. Thermostat (feat. Peter Cottontale) 8. Out of the Doldrums 9. Wolfsheep 10. I Miss All My Exes 11. Backburner 12. Libra Intuition 13. Boomerang 14. Still 15. The Best Thing 16. Good News 17. Headfirst
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